This particular post, I wanted to post long back but just now I got the right time - probably yes! Well, my first visit (rather my first international travel) to Singapore was in Sep. 2006. I did not made exhaustive visit out side by that time - meaning, just as a tourist visit. I was just surprised with the "tamil" name boards / hoardings on the streets. And it was after my US of A trip i.e. Dec 08 that making me to explore nook and corner of Singapore - the country city.

Singapore is in a way akin to Tamil Nadu in a sense that lots of life styles which reflects our Tamil Nadu life. If it happened to you to go to "Little India" you could witness it. I was just surprised why the SAME people (tamil) unable to follow this same "discipline" at our own it because of the administration? or the mentality - you are not good so am I!!

I meant everything, the bus travel, littering on the streets, standing in a lane, waiting at the restaurants..almost in everything. Is it because of penalties & imprisonments that made them to behave like that? Yea, I agree to some extent. Having said that, allow me to pose a question too - is it not possible to do this without penalties & imprisonments - can can... (Singlish) - how? - just simple way - self discipline.

The greatest salesman in the world

I am just reproducing this great blog from my ex-boss!! Really worth reading..

This weekend's light reading (or viewing I should say) is something that my good friend, Subroto Bagchi, sent me some 8 years ago. Thanks Subroto for sharing something very inspirational.

This is the story of Bill Porter. Born in the US in 1932, Bill moved to Portland at an early age where he lives now. He was born with cerebral palsy and lost his father early. They told him he would never work and nobody would employ him. He refused to go on disability and convinced Watkins Inc. to give him a job as a door to door salesman.

He needed help to dress. He could not drive. His speech was slurred. He was often in pain. And what did he do - he became the top selling salesman in Watkins. He was hit by a car in 1998 and broke his hip. He could no longer do door to door - Instead he has turned into an online salesman. (visit his online shop here). Some 50 years after they told him nobody would give him a job, he's selling fine, thank you. And when asked how he overcame all his obstacles, he says I don't have any obstacles.

Shelly Brady first met Bill as a teenager when she worked for him to help him deliver his products. Since then she has become a close friend and now she is a motivational speaker. She has written a book - Ten Things I learned from Bill Porter. You can read an extract from the book here.

In 1995, The Oregonian, wrote a story on Bill Porter in the newspaper. that brought Bill into the public limelight. He was featured in The Readers Digest and ABC's 20/20. He was the subject of a made for TV film on TNT called Door to Door. The film won six Emmy awards.

There's a film on Bill Porter in Shelly's website. Its 30 minutes long, but a fascinating watch. Grab a cup of coffee, make yourself comfortable and watch it. Trust me; you will be inspired, for Bill Porter is a remarkable man. Click here to watch it

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