This particular post, I wanted to post long back but just now I got the right time - probably yes! Well, my first visit (rather my first international travel) to Singapore was in Sep. 2006. I did not made exhaustive visit out side by that time - meaning, just as a tourist visit. I was just surprised with the "tamil" name boards / hoardings on the streets. And it was after my US of A trip i.e. Dec 08 that making me to explore nook and corner of Singapore - the country city.

Singapore is in a way akin to Tamil Nadu in a sense that lots of life styles which reflects our Tamil Nadu life. If it happened to you to go to "Little India" you could witness it. I was just surprised why the SAME people (tamil) unable to follow this same "discipline" at our own it because of the administration? or the mentality - you are not good so am I!!

I meant everything, the bus travel, littering on the streets, standing in a lane, waiting at the restaurants..almost in everything. Is it because of penalties & imprisonments that made them to behave like that? Yea, I agree to some extent. Having said that, allow me to pose a question too - is it not possible to do this without penalties & imprisonments - can can... (Singlish) - how? - just simple way - self discipline.


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